The Rabbit Great And Terrible Read online

Page 7

  “Yes,” Melissa said. “I do want you to do what is right and honorable, but that no longer means your death. I have no wish or intention to kill you, Waldo.”

  “Oh? Then what do you want to do with me?”

  "Save you."

  He stared at her in confusion. "Save me? Save me from what?"

  "Yourself. It's not too late for you to be absolved of your sins and put on the right path."

  "You're either insane or a much better liar than I'd thought." Careful to keep an eye on her, he gave her wand a quick inspection. When they'd first met there'd been only three words of power carved into it: Unity, Justice, Peace. He expected to find the same. Instead, the wand was completely covered in the same three words had been engraved over and over again: Waldo My Love. In his life, he'd seen prisoners tortured to death, favorite slaves murdered right in front of him by a sadistic vampire, and he’d seen people burned alive and eaten by zombies. But this was easily the most unsettling thing he'd ever laid eyes on. "The evidence is pointing towards insane."

  "Is it madness for a woman to love a man?"

  "In this situation, yes. You're not some random woman. You're a White Mage, the last thing you said to me was that you would hunt me down and give me a slow, torturous death."

  "Actually, my very last words were, 'stay safe my love.'"

  "You only said that because you were under the influence of a love potion. We both knew it would wear off. So why are you pretending to not want to murder me?"

  "Because the potion never wore off and I am still in love with you."

  "What?! That's ridiculous! Love potions don't last longer than a single day or night."

  "I know, yet here I am, a woman in love."

  Waldo stared at her. The potion he'd given her hadn't been the standard recipe, but a concoction he'd been forced to improvise. At the time Waldo hadn't been sure it would even work. "Are you telling me I created permanent love potion?"

  "Yes, my love, I am."

  "Do you understand what this means?" His eyes lost focus as he stared off into unseen horizons. "If I could produce a few barrels of this I could destroy the world!" I have to get Alice crying non-stop as soon as possible!

  Melissa's brow furrowed. "Not quite what I would suggest."

  All sorts of new possibilities were racing through his head. "Since you love me you'll do whatever I tell you, right?"

  Melissa gave him a wide smile. "No."


  "I am a woman in love, not a mindless servant."

  “Wait, but the last time you did exactly as I said. You gave me your purse, wand, and spellbook. If you still are under its effects, then you should be happy to do whatever I say.”

  “When you first used it, my feelings overwhelmed me. I couldn’t think of anything other than making you happy. Since that first day though, I regained my senses. I do love you, with all my heart, but it’s a mature and sensible love, not a young maid’s infatuation. And because I love you, I will do what is best for you.”

  “Then why did you give me your wand?”

  “It seemed the best way to get you to listen to me so that I might explain things to you.”

  Waldo groaned. "Of course, it couldn't be that simple."

  "I know my feelings are false, but they feel true to me and I cannot deny them. But because you are precious to me I will do what I think is best for you, not what you want."

  Waldo thought of his mother and of Alice. "I suppose that is the way it works. No wonder every tragedy starts with someone falling in love."

  Melissa put her hands together. “Listen to me, Waldo. You must let me help you. It is not too late. Normally, a man who'd committed your crimes would be doomed. But I've received a special amnesty for you from a Minister of the White Council. All your crimes shall be pardoned, on condition, you come to Avalon with me and join the Order of Mist."

  "You want me to go to the Misty Isle and become an actual White Mage?"

  She nodded. "I don’t know your story Waldo, but it doesn’t matter. The Order is not exclusive to those born in Avalon. We recruit all who we judge to be worthy. As a matter of fact, I was attempting to recruit Roger of Bittford when I learned of your crimes."

  "He’s a backwoods hedgewizard."

  Melissa's back stiffened and she crossed her arms over her modest breasts. "He is an honorable man with immense potential. The point is, he could join the Order despite not being from Avalon. Your potential is far greater, and you have the blood. You would fit perfectly in the Order of Mist!"

  Of course, there was no way she could know how much those words sickened him. Growing up people had mocked him because of his looks. His blonde hair and honey colored eyes had marked him like a dove in a ravens’ rookery. When his Talent in Healing had developed people had started calling him a White Mage to his face. It had always been an insult, and a reminder he did not belong. The Council had sent him out on this quest specifically because they believed he could never be a real Dark Mage.

  "I would sooner so swimming in a pit of lava than go to Avalon. The last thing I want is to become a White Mage."

  She pointed a finger at his robe. "You have a strange way of showing it. You should be down on your knees thanking me. Have you any idea how hard I had to work to convince Minister Barrows to permit me to recruit you? It is unheard of. Criminals are never permitted to join the Order. I had to persuade the minister that the potential I sensed in you was worth making an exception. Had he realized I was still under the effect of a love potion he would have never agreed."

  "You lied to your superior? How wicked of you."

  "It's a crime punishable by death, but I would do anything for you."

  "If that’s true, then help me the way Alice and Belle do."

  Her lip curled as a look of disgust crossed her face. "You mean the ogre and the barmaid you took for a wife? Don’t compare me to them. I am neither an abomination nor am I a fool trollop who can be tricked into doing what you want. Let me tell you this again, I mean to save you, not help you continue this life of crime.” She narrowed her eyes. “Why are you here in Torikai anyway?"

  He thought for a moment. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I come here? Isn’t this the greatest city in the world?”

  “It’s a cesspool! This entire miserable city is consumed with greed and lust! The local merchants will turn you into soup if they can make a silver mark. Leiznam and his bunch are lower than what flows through the sewers! They run the brothels and the gaming houses and even the Arena, they’re leeches who will suck out everything they can until they burst! And their queen? She’s the worst of all! She never steps outside the Wall, never even looks at her own people. She is happy to let them starve while she and her court stuff their faces every night. Everyone who lives in the Gold City cares more about money than they do about their fellow human beings! From the queen down no one has an ounce of charity in them!”

  Waldo gave a slow nod. “You do seem an expert on charity.”

  “Since you’re here now it must have something to do with the queen’s birthday celebration.”

  “Well obviously.”

  “Whatever you are planning, don’t. You do not want to commit crimes here, especially not in that robe.”

  “I’ll be fine, but thank you for your concern.”

  She shook her head. "Your eyes are the same color as mine. The blood of Avalon runs through your veins. How did a child of the Misty Isle come to this?"

  “You have no idea whose child I am,” Waldo snapped. “I don’t want to be saved and I don’t want your help. The last thing I would ever do is go to Avalon.”

  “I see. I am very sorry you feel that way. I truly am.”

  They fell into an uncomfortable silence.

  “So, what happens when we leave this room?" Waldo asked.

  "I am not going to attack you or reveal your secrets. I want to save you, not kill you."

  "Good to know."

  "But I do intend to save you, Wal
do, even if you don't want me to. I am your fate."

  "I hate to tell you this, but I already know my fate. I’m going to find something and then go home."

  “Avalon is your true home.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell my mother that when next I see her.”

  Melissa sighed. "Would you return my wand to me?"

  "No," he slid it into one of his pockets.

  "You can't use it."

  "I know." Wands were very personal items. Once a mage placed his or her words of power on one and grew used to it, the tool would no longer function for anyone else.

  "Returning it to me would be a sign of trust."

  "Yes, I suppose it would." He went over to the door with his wand still pointed at her. “I have no wish to harm you. If you leave me alone, I will leave you alone.” Only when he opened the door did he finally put his wand away. "Goodbye, Melissa. Let’s not meet again."

  She nodded. "Goodbye for now, Waldo."

  Waldo hurried out the door and shut it behind him.


  Alone in the room, Melissa reached into one of the many pockets sewn into her robe to take out a second wand. It was identical to the first. She was a woman in love, not an idiot.

  "One way or another, Waldo. One way or another."

  Chapter 9

  No One Is Exactly Who They Appear To Be

  When Waldo exited the study Alice and Belle were right there waiting for him.

  “You all right, master?” Belle asked.

  “What happened? What did she say?” Alice asked as she tugged on her hair.

  “I’ll tell you later,” Waldo said. “Let’s just go.”

  They followed on his heels without complaint. At the end of the hall, Leiznam and his guildmates were huddled together, whispering. The guildmaster stepped forward.

  “Is everything settled, Master Rabbit?”

  “Yes, yes, everything is wonderful now. Thank you for your hospitality, I’ll be going.”

  As Waldo turned to leave Leiznam stepped in front of him. “Before you go, may I give you a word of advice?”

  Waldo stopped short. He wanted to leave without seeing Melissa again, but pushing Leiznam out of the way would probably be considered rude. “Certainly, why not?”

  “I am aware you White Mages believe you know everything, but in this city, no one is exactly who they appear to be. You might want to tread lightly.”

  Waldo raised an eyebrow. “Good to know.”

  He, Alice, and Belle walked past him and left the guildhall.


  A moment later Melissa Cornwall exited the study. She was as formal and condescending as usual, sparing them only a few words before leaving as well.

  “What in the Seven Hells was all that about?” Verde asked.

  “Do you think all that was real?” Galen asked. “His threatening her?”

  “Don’t be a gullible idiot,” Terval said with irritation. “Obviously, it was an act. Everything the whites do is part of some sort of plan. The real question is what are they up to.”

  “Do you know,” Leiznam said turning to his friends. “On the way here, Master Rabbit told me directly that his Order is plotting to take over the world.”

  “He actually said that?” Verde asked.

  “He did. Those were his exact words.”

  “Pretty damn bold to come out and threaten you like that,” Cavin said.

  “What do you mean?” Leiznam asked with a faint smile. “White Mages never threaten anyone. Everyone knows that.”

  He received some sour looks from the others. The whites were always, oh so polite. But they were also arrogant and didn’t hesitate to tell you that everything you treasured was worthless and that their way was the only way. The Order of Mist was rich, powerful, and had spies everywhere. And polite or not could be ruthless in getting what it wanted.

  “But why so many changes all of a sudden?” Verde asked. “I’ve served in the guild for close to forty years, I joined when King Mikas was still on the throne. There have never been two ambassadors here at the same time.”

  “Master Rabbit’s not an ambassador,” Leiznam said. “He claims to be here on personal business. He even said that he doesn’t plan to ask for a royal audience or request the queen’s hospitality.”

  Terval snorted. “A White Mage who’s not on a mission for the Order? That’s a new one.”

  “Why would the Order send someone here under such a pretense?” Rodo asked.

  “And have them be openly hostile to their ambassador?” Terval added.

  “I can think of only one reason,” Leiznam said. “In case he does something they will need to disavow. They can pretend Master Rabbit went rogue and wasn’t acting on instructions.”

  They all shared nervous glances.

  “They wouldn’t be that openly hostile,” Verde said. He looked around. “Would they?”

  “You’ve heard the rumors coming from the south,” Galen said. “Maybe the situation has worsened, and Avalon is desperate.”

  “How desperate?” Verde asked. “What exactly could they do?”

  “Who knows? But one thing is clear,” Leiznam said. “The White Mages are definitely up to something. They always travel alone, but Master Rabbit arrived with two people in tow, one of them wearing an illusion. They never ask for help of any sort, and he comes here wanting to go through our library. They always mask their true intentions, but he speaks openly of his Order trying to take over the world.” He shook his head. “None of it makes any sense, but there has to be some meaning behind it.”

  “The fact he’s arrived here now, a week before the queen’s birthday celebration can’t be a coincidence,” Verde pointed out.

  “Obviously,” Leiznam agreed. He looked each of his friends in the eye. “We all know the whites want to push us aside. I have no idea what their scheme might be, but whatever it is we’ll deal with it. This city belongs to us, and we’re not going anywhere!”


  “What do you mean she’s still in love with you?!” Alice shouted loud enough to draw stares from people on both sides of the street.

  “Well, it turns out I’m a genius and I accidentally discovered the recipe for permanent love potion. Oh, and that reminds me, we’ll need to pick up some onions. I need tears, lots of them. Try and imagine me with other women, men too if that helps.”

  Alice let out a low growl. “No way am I helping you make more love potion!”

  Belle put a hand on her shoulder. “Easy now, sweetie. Can’t blame master for being so irresistible. I mean even without love potion he is adorable.” Belle winked at him. “Though with a couple scars and maybe losing an ear no woman would leave you be.”

  “I’d like to avoid getting mangled if I can.”

  Belle pouted. “Such a waste.”

  Alice shrugged off Belle’s hand. “How can she still be in love with you after all this time? You told me you weren’t sure the potion would work at all. You also said it wouldn’t last for more than one night!”

  “That’s how long standard love potion lasts. When I made my version, I didn’t expect it to work as well. How could I know I was so brilliant?”

  “Well, I am not helping you make any more! Do you hear me? I am never shedding another tear again. You have me, aren’t I enough for you? Just how many women do you need?”

  “Wait. You think I want to make more love potion for myself? You think I’m happy about a White Mage being in love with me?” A shudder ran through him. “Believe me, the last thing I want is to have more women obsessed with me.”

  “Then why do you want to make more?” Alice asked.

  “Are you kidding? I have the power to make someone fall completely in love with another person for the rest of their lives, regardless of how that person feels about or treats them. What could possibly be more evil than that?”

  Alice blinked at him several times. “I’ll think about it.”

  “So, what happens now, master?” Belle a

  “Well, it seems I won’t be getting any help from the guild. But there’s one other place where I might be able to gather information.”

  “Where’s that, darling?” Alice asked.

  “The drow have an embassy here. They’re well known for having eyes and ears all across the Shattered Lands, and even among the monster realms of Ostragaard. With any luck, I might be able to make a deal with them.”